Tick Tock earthquake acoming


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How many of you remember these visitors earlier this year as they roamed the streets of Laredo??

Who knows, they might have a point. Maybe in one giant fracking moment, the earthquakes will begin and…. ta-ta-tatum… the end of the world as predicted by these cats who say our last day is May 21, 2011.If we are still alive after this Saturday, make sure you schedule the upcoming Safe Fracking Coalition townhall meeting – its going to be very, very, very interesting. Don’t miss the several sides of this issue speaking about the safety records or possible damage fracking can create.

About Que Fregados

Que Fregados is a quirky look at little things that strike us funny in Laredo and the unique Latino culture. Suggestions and comments are welcome. You can also email to quefregados@gmail.com.
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4 Responses to Tick Tock earthquake acoming

  1. Poncho1950 says:

    I better wear a parachute in case the Powers That Be change their mind after I’ve started my ascent — or it’s just one more case of a ghastly sense of humor.

  2. Bertha Galvan says:

    I asked and i still have to get the books in order.

  3. critters and crayons says:

    I plan to go to that meeting! I might need to find a baby-sitter for that one- 🙂

  4. rick78 says:

    Only the agnostics, high intellectual degree people know when the end comes .

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